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Is there a list of MIDI message values for actions within CbC and Sonar?


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In terms of MCU protocol...is there such a list? I'm looking to see what items in either DAW are controllable via MIDI message and what the values are? In iMap, Icon's software mapping I can see "Insert New Audio Track" has a value of 62/D4. For example, is there a mapping list for the 2 DAWs listed above that provides those values for the Input Gain Pot? For turning all FX off? That kind of thing...

Anyway, any of the items I added in my Utilities able to be mapped? If that doesn't work...any way to create a macro/hot key combo that could be assigned a MIDI number?


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The MCU protocol uses MIDI note on/off messages for button presses.  There are standard mappings for these buttons for the various DAW's, and are usually hard-coded in firmware for non-Mackie control surfaces. 

Cakewalk/Sonar supports the standard Cakewalk/SONAR mapping, Cubase and the "Universal" mapping.  

Cakewalk's Mackie Control Surface dialog allows you to map the 10 function buttons to various Cakewalk commands/functions, but beyond that there's not much more configuration.

If you need more extensive flexibility, you could look at @azslow3's AZController.  The level of customization is extremely flexible, but can be complex to set up - especially if you're unaware of the exact messages being sent by your control surface.

Anyhow, in answer to your question,  Cakewalk's mapping of messages are listed here:  https://msmcleod.co.uk/cakewalk/Cakewalk_MCU.pdf

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I guess what I'm trying to get a grip on is...I'm using the Icon P1-M and within it's DAW template for Sonar it has the standard MCU options. But on the little Stream Style touch deck there are also options to toggle on/off the Control Bar, Browser etc. In Icon's iMap software...I can only see MIDI notes on the options that have a corresponding MCU equivalent. (Insert New Track, Play, Undo etc.) But there's nothing in the MCU that would open the Control Bar? So I'm kinda stumped.

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7 hours ago, minminmusic said:

I guess what I'm trying to get a grip on is...I'm using the Icon P1-M and within it's DAW template for Sonar it has the standard MCU options. But on the little Stream Style touch deck there are also options to toggle on/off the Control Bar, Browser etc. In Icon's iMap software...I can only see MIDI notes on the options that have a corresponding MCU equivalent. (Insert New Track, Play, Undo etc.) But there's nothing in the MCU that would open the Control Bar? So I'm kinda stumped.

Ok, look at the MIDI messages that are being sent by the Icon, then look at the corresponding message in the document I posted a link to. 

I suspect the messages being sent are those of the function buttons.  They can be remapped as required using the Mackie Control Surface Dialog:


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Got it...so I'm guessing all of the F key options that are in the Mackie Control Surface Dialogue are fixed? I see a couple of listing for the Utilities menu but I don't see the  additions that I added to my utilities. At the very least you helped me understand some of the "magic" going on behind the curtains.

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4 hours ago, minminmusic said:

Got it...so I'm guessing all of the F key options that are in the Mackie Control Surface Dialogue are fixed? I see a couple of listing for the Utilities menu but I don't see the  additions that I added to my utilities. At the very least you helped me understand some of the "magic" going on behind the curtains.

Yes, the list is fixed. However, included in the list are virtual key presses that can be sent back to Cakewalk/Sonar.  If these are mapped to something else within keyboard shortcuts, then those bindings will be executed.  Using this method you can get the function keys to run CAL scripts or open Studioware panels.

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