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Another vendor closing down (Ugritone)


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? Farewell from Ugritone ? 
It's with a heavy heart and a sense of profound nostalgia that we announce the end of an era: Ugritone, the sonic bastion of raw, unfiltered Metal, is closing its doors. From 2017 to 2024, we've lived, breathed, and bled Metal, striving to push the boundaries of what could be achieved in the underground music scene. But the time has come to share this sad piece of news with our dedicated community.

The harsh realities of life and the unforgiving nature of the free market have finally caught up with us. Despite our unwavering passion and relentless drive, the stark truth is that we've faced burnout after burnout, stretching ourselves thin, and simply lacking the resources to make the necessary moves to bring this project up to the speed it deserves. The industry demands more than we can currently give, and it's either all or nothing.

We refuse to deliver a half-hearted effort. We will not settle for a 20% AI/automation-powered compromise. The essence of Ugritone has always been about genuine, unadulterated creativity, and we can't continue unless we can fully honor that spirit.

To our fans, collaborators, and everyone who has been a part of this journey, we want to express our deepest gratitude. Thank you for embracing our wild ideas, for your relentless support, and for allowing us to reflect our passion within the Metal world. Your enthusiasm and dedication have meant everything to us.

As we bow out, know that Ugritone's legacy will live on in the riffs, the beats, and the raw energy we've shared. Here's to the memories, the music, and the Metal.

Keep it loud. Keep it real.

Forever in Metal,

As we prepare to close this chapter, we're embarking on a Farewell Sale that will run until the end of the year. This is your last chance to grab a piece of Ugritone history. Here are some of our top digital products:

Drum samplers - starting from $5
MIDI Packs - Starting From $2
Impulse Responses - $2
Other Plugins - Starting from $5

This is our way of saying thank you for your undying support. You've been the backbone of Ugritone, and we want to give back to you one last time. So, dig in, grab your favorite pieces, and let’s make this final encore one to remember.


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5 minutes ago, X-53mph said:

We will not settle for a 20% AI/automation-powered compromise. The essence of Ugritone has always been about genuine, unadulterated creativity, and we can't continue unless we can fully honor that spirit.

yep, it has come to this, swallow or be swallowed.  Thanks Urgitone for all your efforts.

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