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Lost Synch Using Tempo Change


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On occasion I like to use a ritardando at the end of a song, maybe the last two or three bars of the piano, bass and drums.  I've found that on the last two songs I did that on, upon transferring the MIDI to audio I found that the audio is out of synch by about 1 and a half bars (late).  I use the "Insert Tempo Change" in the Process (I think) menu.  It works fine in the MIDI but doesn't hold in the audio transfer.  Could somebody perhaps suggest why this could be happening.  This happens in CbB but translates to Sonar.


?John B

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Don't bother racking your brains.  I figured it out.  The main tempo of the song is 76 BPM.  At the end I slowed the last 2 bars down to 74.  For some reason when I went back to the beginning of the MIDI project it kept 74 BPM and didn't go back to 76.  When I transferred the MIDI from the MIDI project to the final WAV project the MIDI was at 74 and needed to be at 76.  So when I changed the MIDI project to 76 where it belongs at that point it corrected the situation.

Thanks anyway.

?John B

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