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Which company does deals for Waves Upgrade plan pricing better than Waves?


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Just curious how low I could get this price.  The new V15 is off interest to me, especially the new new Sidechain Filter added to the SSL G-Master Buss Compressor.

Don't dog me for checking.  I know a bunch has moved away from Waves, but if it wasn't for Waves, I wouldn't have even gotten started.  Their budget plugins had helped me and I won't deny it. 

Thanks for any of your help! 


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6 hours ago, El Diablo said:


Just curious how low I could get this price.  The new V15 is off interest to me, especially the new new Sidechain Filter added to the SSL G-Master Buss Compressor.

Don't dog me for checking.  I know a bunch has moved away from Waves, but if it wasn't for Waves, I wouldn't have even gotten started.  Their budget plugins had helped me and I won't deny it. 

Thanks for any of your help! 


There are a couple of current threads for third party WUP sales that would be a good place to ask that question.  

In any event, here's a tip. I don't like WUP or Waves promotional practices, but I do love the Abbey Road series plugins. However,  Abbey Road Chambers is a complete CPU resource hog, which is no secret. I would get a new version of that if it resolved the latency issues. It's something like $73 US for a year of WUP for Abbey Road Chambers, while purchasing a new license is $29.99 US. Even with 25% off WUP, it's significantly less cost to purchase a new license with Waves constantly on sales pricing. The only time WUP would make a financial sense over new licenses would be if I WUPed every Waves plugin I own -- which is probably a few dozen-- and hit the annual WUP cost ceiling of $240 US.  However, most of my Waves plugins run fine, so Im only interested in an update to this one resource hog plugin if Waves improved its efficiency.  

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1 hour ago, El Diablo said:


Just curious how low I could get this price.  The new V15 is off interest to me, especially the new new Sidechain Filter added to the SSL G-Master Buss Compressor.

Don't dog me for checking.  I know a bunch has moved away from Waves, but if it wasn't for Waves, I wouldn't have even gotten started.  Their budget plugins had helped me and I won't deny it. 

Thanks for any of your help! 


Yes Everyplugin would be the best, although most others like Plugin Boutique etc will do a deal for you as well.

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1 hour ago, El Diablo said:


Just curious how low I could get this price.  The new V15 is off interest to me, especially the new new Sidechain Filter added to the SSL G-Master Buss Compressor.

Don't dog me for checking.  I know a bunch has moved away from Waves, but if it wasn't for Waves, I wouldn't have even gotten started.  Their budget plugins had helped me and I won't deny it. 

Thanks for any of your help! 


We wont but there is a lot of snickering behind your back.

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46 minutes ago, PavlovsCat said:

There have been a couple of current threads that answer your question. I'm not sure why you felt a need to create another thread when there's two recent threads on the topic with third party WUP sales. At minimum,  they would be a more targeted and efficient place to ask WUP related questions too. 

In any event, here's a tip. I don't like WUP or Waves promotional practices, but I do love the Abbey Road series plugins. However,  Abbey Road Chambers is a complete CPU resource hog, which is no secret. I would get a new version of that if it resolved the latency issues. It's something like $73 US for a year of WUP for Abbey Road Chambers, while purchasing a new license is $29.99 US. Even with 25% off WUP, it's significantly less cost to purchase a new license. The only time WUP would make a financial sense over new licenses would be if I WUPed every Waves plugin and got the annual WUP cost ceiling of $240 US. 

There have been a couple of current threads that seem to be open for Waves bashing. I'm not sure why you felt the need to turn another Waves thread into a Waves bashing event when there's two recent threads on the topic. At the very least you would get more enjoyment in those threads with people of like mind.

In any event, here's a tip. I do like Waves and WUP and especially the befits I have gotten from it in the past few years, in the volume of excellent quality plugins that have been added to Mercury. I find all Waves plugins to be excellent, and quite good on CPU, I don't have any issues with any. I own all Waves Plugins bar 9 which are or might I say have been plugins that are of no interest to me, they are surround/360 type plugs, and with the recent resurgence in immersive and Atmos type effects and mixing I will likely grab in the near future. I don't find WUP to be that expensive, especially if you have half a brain and only purchase it when there is some benefit to you, new plugins, certain new features etc.  If you have a bit of nous about you it will cost you only around $163, and that is for someone like myself who owns practically everything. Done that way buying WUP is almost like the feeling you get when you buy a new plugin, because it actually is buying a new plugin, or getting new features or updates etc. Personally I have no issues with WUP, and would have had no hesitation shelling out for v15 had I not already been covered by WUP. ?

Edited by Heath Row
Checked last WUP reciept adjusted price
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4 hours ago, Heath Row said:

...I'm not sure why you felt the need to turn another Waves thread into a Waves bashing event when there's two recent threads on the topic. At the very least you would get more enjoyment in those threads with people of like mind...

Writing an inflammatory comment directed at me with a rant that mislabels my post a "Waves bashing event"  is ridiculous and completely unfounded. It's trolling. Reread what I wrote. My only sentence critical of Waves praised the Abbey Road plugin line: 

"I don't like WUP or Waves promotional practices, but I do love the Abbey Road series plugins. "

I then mentioned that there are two recent threads for WUP resales that would be a better place for the original question (those threads are focused on exactly what he's looking for), and  offered a helpful tip that, as the owner of 3 dozen Waves plugins, I recently found the price of buying a new ARC license would cost $29.99, significantly less than the WUP for that plugin (approximately $73)  That advice was intended to save El Diablo money. 

My post offered a helpful tip and wasn't an attack on a fellow forum member.  Your post bashed another forum member, completely oblivious to the irony of your bashing a community member while feigning outrage over people criticizing a business these people have bought from and find some of their business practices problematic.  IMO, it's one thing when people criticize a business they have issues with, it's quite another thing to single out and bash another person on the forum.  

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1 hour ago, Heath Row said:

You keep on tell'n yourself that.


It's a shame that you're so hyper offended by a perceived offense against a company and the slightest criticism of its practices that you'll use it to self justify trolling a fellow forum member.

Oh well. Moving on. 

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