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Cakewalk - recording multiple drum track from EZ drummer 3 fails

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I am new to Cakewalk, and I need to use an already created drumtrack from EZ drummer 3 in Cakewalk and not as 1 track stereo but multiple tracks.

Problem seems to be that EZdrummer is not shown in the dropdown menu of inputs possibilities, so I can not choose the right input channel from ezdrummer. I have got: All external inputs, all inputs, virtual controller but no EZ drummer? Meters shows the drum sound on each track, but no recording is done from ezdrummer3 host. 

Can anyone explain what I have done wrong?

Best regards, Peter

Sometimes this is shows in the menu, sometimes a few more inputs as what I explained above.


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EZdrummer just takes one midi track with all the drums.  Then, in the UI interface you route the individual drum mics out to separate audio channels.

You could have separate midi tracks for each drum part but then you would have to route all the midi tracks to an instance of EZdrummer.


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On 6/21/2024 at 4:14 AM, Peter Sivertsen said:

Problem seems to be that EZdrummer is not shown in the dropdown menu of inputs possibilities, so I can not choose the right input channel from ezdrummer. I have got: All external inputs, all inputs, virtual controller but no EZ drummer?

the track you show is the MIDI source to EZD. and EZD is not a source of MIDI output, so it won't show up in the sources list... you can drag MIDI from EZD to the MIDI track, you can use the MIDI track to trigger the play on EZD, or write your own MIDI notes, use the step sequencer to generate them, drag in MIDI clips etc etc etc.

the audio tracks you have setup are the sound outputs from EZD.

as reginaldStJohn noted, you could assign multiple MIDI tracks to feed EZD - for an example - if you have a clip your imported and wanted to separate the instruments into separate MIDI tracks so you can do other things to them - you could splt that clip across several MIDI tracks using a CAL script then modify each independently (e.g. maybe you want the highhat pattern separated because you'll tweak it and use it for tambourine or shakers - and use a wholly separate VI to perform those)


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