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Orange Tree Samples Summer group buy - 60% off!

Yan Filiatrault

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  • Yan Filiatrault changed the title to Orange Tree Samples Summer group buy - 60% off!

We just reached the highest discount tier at 60% OFF all our virtual instruments and bundles, which also means that you can complete your group buy order now!

The signup period is open until July 12th at 23:59 UTC, so you can still join the group buy and get the discount right now.

After July 12th, the sale will be closed to new signups, but as long as you join the group buy before then you'll have until the end of July to actually complete your order (or make multiple orders at the same 60% discount).

Edited by Greg Schlaepfer
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1 hour ago, Soundwise said:

Bassoon = bundle of sticks, oboe = loud woodwind,  saxophone = sonic device by Adolphe Sax, but

Flute = Installed?

Alright! If you say so...

It's Bapu, the world record holder for most installed plugins and sample libraries. "Installed" is his catchphrase. Whereas cclarry is the GOAT for posting deals, Bapu is the GOAT of installed sample libraries and plugins. 

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2 hours ago, Soundwise said:

Bassoon = bundle of sticks, oboe = loud woodwind,  saxophone = sonic device by Adolphe Sax, but

Flute = Installed?

Alright! If you say so...

 "Evolution Indie Rock" = "I'm not even a keyboard player, why am I buying these?? Dammit Simeon!"

  • Haha 6
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