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Musictech's Best DAWS


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4 minutes ago, dubdisciple said:

I'm guessing Ableton or FL Studio. 

Interesting.  If you are a linear tracking DAW user FL will drive you crazy unless you are doing dance genres. One of the best piano rolls out there. While it may come across as a simple to use DAW it's very complex when you go deeper.

Live - seems like it was designed for a laptop.  You resize windows a lot.  Session view is underrated. 

I'm a fanboy of both but if I want to do some orchestra that is more advanced (rare for me) a staff view is needed.

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I'm a Reason + Live user.  

Surpised Reaper or Bitwig didn't make the list.

I'm definitely not surprised Pro Tools isn't on that list.  They haven't done anything exciting since adding elastic audio, ADC - audio delay compensation and getting rid of HW as dongles to use PT (being sarcastic, of course).  I'm an ex-Pro Fools user... I have some resentment :P

Edited by Lionel
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23 hours ago, kitekrazy said:

Interesting.  If you are a linear tracking DAW user FL will drive you crazy unless you are doing dance genres. One of the best piano rolls out there. While it may come across as a simple to use DAW it's very complex when you go deeper.

Live - seems like it was designed for a laptop.  You resize windows a lot.  Session view is underrated. 

I'm a fanboy of both but if I want to do some orchestra that is more advanced (rare for me) a staff view is needed.

This guy manages to do well with classical in FL, but even he admits it poses challenges:


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3 hours ago, Milan said:

I never understood the fascination with Ableton and FL, but it could be just me.

FL , for starters has lifetime free updates.  In a software world that is shifting from periodically charging for what are sometimes minor upgrades to endless subscriptions, this is huge.  In a pop world that relies more and more on computer based production, having what is often said to be the best piano roll among DAWs is also huge .  


Ableton simply has a workflow that works better with EDM than most.  Ableton also has very usable sounds and stock plugins.  It has a more modern workflow that does not assume user is coming from analog world. Pro tools and other products that have a similar workflow that emulates working with tape, are in some ways less efficient, particularly for younger users who were not raised on consoles and tape.

Both have very tight sampler/ DAW integration. Something Sonar/Cakewalk has always lacked.  Studio one does a decent job at this, but nowhere near as well as these two. 

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