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Is my version free forever?

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Ok, now it´s clear about how the software is activated, thanks for that. I did get more confused though about what the answer is to my other question, when reading through the answers:

"... However, it´s also telling me that there are updates pending.

If I install these updates, will my version still be free and activated?"


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If you miss activation, all that happens is CbB goes into DEMO mode and throws a label on the Tools module "Not Activated" and won't allow you to save.  Simply reactivate it to continue.

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1 hour ago, jazzldazzl said:

If I install these updates, will my version still be free and activated?"

Sonar is “pay to play”.

Cakewalk by BandLab is free. For how long? That’s the question. However recent info released by BandLab suggests that CbB will be around for some time. 


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14 hours ago, T Boog said:

. From what I'm reading online it says u can "try" to go to Bandlab Assistant and hit "refresh activation". The word "try" is not very comforting though.

That's got to be old information? We haven't used the Bandlab assistant for a long time. All Activation is done within the software. 

It's not your fault , they suck at web sites and there's not even ever been any official information stated clearly here on the forum.

Your right I've very tired of repeating myself. Example the question above, Didn't I just answer that on the last page? And then people re answer it again and round and round we go.  

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15 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

Sonar is “pay to play”.

Cakewalk by BandLab is free. For how long? That’s the question. However recent info released by BandLab suggests that CbB will be around for some time. 



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