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Which Is The Most Popular Interface Brand Overall?


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On 6/13/2024 at 11:37 PM, cclarry said:

The survey was done by Production Expert, and I'm sure that the people that they survey are not
"the average Joe with an interface"

Why do you assume that? Because they have expert in the name? Hehe.

Most of their content is click bait and free plugin giveaway. Do "experts" need articles like "What to do if you get a dream recording gig", or "5 Myths About Studio Monitors", or "Things to Consider When Recording At Home" or "What Makes Audio Hardware Professional" (all articles on their home page). Their bread and butter is hobbyists, clearly. 


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The important thing about a good interface is not the brand itself, but the quality of the AD_DA controllers and converters and the quality of the materials, what a even some cheap interfaces at $200 bring it,

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Not surprised.

Personally I have had so many interfaces in the past but to date the UAD 476 has been the best.

And the worse was the steinberg UR44C.


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Motu Microbook: hard to figure out and never quite made peace with it and Digital Performer. Quality, I guess, but MAC focused and I'm a Windows guy.

...to Tascam US232: much more user friendly and a solid interface

...to Focusrite 2i4: comparable quality to Tascam, but more user friendly and features I wanted. Also, Plugin Collective at the time

...to UAD Apollo: The sound quality is astounding, Unison for recording, great plugins and user community, and now LUNA for Windows. Still new to me, but so far I am in love! 😍!!!

It's popular (and pricier) for good reason.



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16 hours ago, Carl Ewing said:

Why do you assume that?

Production Expert's original name was Pro Tools Expert. Hence still likely skewed toward Pro Tools users.

Look at what's in 2nd place: Avid. Do you really think that in the hobbyist marketplace that Avid is that popular? 3X the users that PreSonus has? The least expensive interface Avid sells costs $600.

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10 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

Production Expert's original name was Pro Tools Expert. Hence still likely skewed toward Pro Tools users.

Look at what's in 2nd place: Avid. Do you really think that in the hobbyist marketplace that Avid is that popular? 3X the users that PreSonus has? The least expensive interface Avid sells costs $600.

I just looked at their article content. It tells me who their primary audience is. 

You do know it's possible to cater to hobbysists while having pro level content right? Or did you think everyone who reads Mix Magazine has a million dollar post-production console and everyone reading American Cinematographer is a unionized tradesman with an Arri Alexa LF? C'mon son - it's a hobbyist click-bait rag just like the rest of the tech-publishing industry today.

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9 minutes ago, Carl Ewing said:

I just looked at their article content. It tells me who their primary audience is.

You're referring to the article that divided the results into three main categories of Music, Post and Other/Both, I presume? And you looked at the previous article where the author mentioned that he expected Avid to do well in the poll due to the Pro Tools connection?

As someone who produces music as a hobby, I admit I rarely stop to consider those who do post-production as a hobby. I never even heard of Metric Halo until I saw that they beat Behringer 2:1 in this poll. Shoot, they're right behind PreSonus. Shut away in my own little world, I guess.

Digital Audio Denmark beating both Native Instruments and IK Multimedia put together came as no surprise of course. Toss up a YouTube video with the title "Digital Audio Denmark Any Good? Don't Be Fooled!" and you'll rake in a million hits from wannabe "producers" eager to do battle in the comments section.

Yet I remain skeptical that the poll accurately represents the entire market. I'm even more skeptical that anyone cares whether I believe the poll is representative. Fun to debate, though. Aaaaaaamish raaaaaaaakefiiiiiight! (I wish there were an Amish rakefight emoji)

Anyone who wishes to believe that UAD interfaces are overwhelmingly the most popular in the hobbyist (or even general) market, with Avid in 2nd place, that Avid outsells Presonus 3:1 and that Metric Halo outsells Behringer 2:1 is encouraged to do so.

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