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More about plugin window size in nuSonar

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I'm trying out Sonar.  A lot of plugins appear very tiny on the screen - for example Native Instruments synths except Kontakt.  Someone kindly pointed out that I could uncheck "Enable Plugin DPI Awareness" to get back to a usable window size.  However, this doesn't seem to work for plugins that don't have standalone versions - specifically Massive X and Izotope 11.  I don't use Massive X much, so no big deal, but I use Izotope on every project.  The plugin window for it is about 4 3/4" x 2 3/4".  If I uncheck "Enable Plugin DPI Awareness" the window is much larger but the plugin still only occupies 4 3/4" by 2 3/4" of the window.  Any suggestions would be most welcome!

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  On 6/12/2024 at 7:28 PM, Steve Moddelmog said:

However, this doesn't seem to work for plugins that don't have standalone versions - specifically Massive X and Izotope 11. 


As mentioned in the other thread about this, Massive X has a 'View Size' scaling factor in the pick list next to the logo at the upper left, and Ozone 11 is continuously resizable by dragging the lower right corner.

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  On 6/12/2024 at 9:54 PM, David Baay said:

As mentioned in the other thread about this, Massive X has a 'View Size' scaling factor in the pick list next to the logo at the upper left, and Ozone 11 is continuously resizable by dragging the lower right corner.


When I drag the lower right corner of Ozone 11, the window gets larger but the actual GUI does not - just a bunch of gray space is created by dragging.  I do see what you're saying now about Massive X.  It is otherwise so small I had to know what I was looking for and where.  Thanks.

Massive X.jpg

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I now see that there is another arrow to drag once I do the first drag - not visible until I have created a big gray window.  However, I can only drag that second window to be a maximim of 7" x 4 3/4", resulting in a 4 pt. or 5 pt. font size (measured by creating a 4 pt. font and a 5 pt. font in Microsoft Word for comparison).  Better, but not exactly usable.

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Hi Steve, I have reported the issue with Izotope and few other plugins few months ago, no solution yet.
I use Sonar now only in original low resolution ( no dpi awareness) and have no issue with over 1000 plugins including Izotope. Fonts seem to work better as well. 

Overall I am happy with new design but still waiting for developers to fix few things.
Best regards.

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