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Till when will we be able to activate CakeWalk? What if Bandlab gets sold or stop existing?

Ez Tutor

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Hi Bandlab Team,

1st of all thanx for not only making CakeWalk free, but also improving it over the years!

As the title states:
Till when will we be able to activate CakeWalk? What if Bandlab gets sold or stop existing?

Since Bandlab's version will no longer be updated and newer versions will be continued by Sonar. 
Isn't the best option to just release Bandalb's version without the need to be activating it at all?
For now we'll have to activate it every 6 months unless you re-install it on a new system and have to activate it earlier.


Curious to know what plans you guys have for your CakeWalk version in case Bandlab ceases to exist.
Because this could potentially render our files useless in the future. Which is a big uncertainty.

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