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Cakewalk working with superior drummer 3 and tempo map

jono grant

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I have a Cakewalk session with a rather detailed tempo map. I have live drums following the click that uses that same tempo map. All good.

I export my individual live drum tracks that I want to bring into SD3 trigger. 

When I work with a single tempo, I simply type that tempo in to the superior drummer program and everything lines up.

In this case, I make a separate midi track from start to finish. I export that midi starting from bar one. It makes a midi file with the tempo map embedded. All good.

When I import that midi track into superior drummer's tempo map area, it goes in but it is not accurate.

When I create the drum midi file say for my kick drum and bring the resulting midi file into Cakewalk, the tempo map really doesn't match Cakewalk's tempo map.

It definitely has a tempo map, I can see it in SD3. But it drifts from the main tempo map in Cakewalk.

What could I be doing wrong? (The SD3 tempo map doesn't seem to have as much detailed resolution. If CW reads 125.15bpm, SD3 seems to round off the number to 125bpm.

Is that the issue? Not fine enough resolution or something?

Any help appreciated.

Thanks! Jono

Edited by jono grant
Post title typo fix
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  • jono grant changed the title to Cakewalk working with superior drummer 3 and tempo map

One more bit of info:

If I just import the kick drum audio into superior drummer with the tempo map it synchs fine.

It's if I try to create a kick drum midi file and bring that in. Then it doesn't sync.

I'd like to have the midi file though so I can trigger to other samples that are outside of Superior Drummer 3.

So this has something to do with the way I'm bringing the kick drum midi file back into Cakewalk. perhaps it want's no tempo map in Cakewalk after importing?

Can't figure it out.


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