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Addictive Drums 2 account shows my drums sets are all gone?


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Just opened a project where I use Addictive Drums 2 and the "drum set" I was using was missing. Checked my XLN account and it says I don't own any XLN products, but I do, like 4 different drum sets. I contacted XLN support and they said they'll look into it. Anybody else have this problem? Was it remedied? I know I recently had to reinstall all my XLN products after that big Windows 10 update a few weeks ago but my drums were all there. Last night, they were all gone.

Thanx, Frederick

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Thanx for the response abacab. Yes i reinstalled almost "nothing" several times but when I look in my account there's nothing to load as it says "you don't have any products", ?.  All that loads are some demo drums and a very sparse set. I think I was hacked or something like that or XLN was hacked. Scary situation. I sent them all my receipts thru the years but haven't heard back. I know recently the program was always asking me to sync to the cloud but I thought it worked kinda like that anyway - you never really owned it, you just rent it for a one-time fee, or something to that effect.

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My stuff is all still there, thankfully. Checked it today after reading your post.

Support will hopefully get you sorted out, as you apparently havethe proof of purchase receipts.

As far as renting it goes, you do "own" a perpetual license for the use of their software, so it's not actually a subscription/rental ownership plan. If you read the fine print of ANY commercial software license agreement you will soon realize that you do not actually "own" any software, only the license for the right to use it.

The syncing that goes on with the online installer is only an attempt to keep your software up to date, and I'm fine with that. One quirk with their activation scheme is that the license gets locked to your machine, and if you make any major changes to the system, it can get de-activated. That is usually solved with a simple re-activation through your account. But you should never see your licensed products disappear from your account!

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Good to hear your drums are still in tact. My purchased drum kits are gone on both my desktop and laptop, so at least the situation is across the board and not isolated to one computer. Still haven't heard back from XLN. I guess they're on Swedish time while I'm on USA time. I hope they have someone working on the weekends.

I'm trying to find where on my computer the drum sets would be located. Do you know?  I see some AD2 folders in My Documents, is that where they are? 

Thanx, Frederick

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Thankfully XLN got back to me and said I had a new email account assigned to my products which is one of my 5 email accounts and the only one with google ( I also have an old AOL account that opens showing me NO products). I'm old (60), so all my other email accounts are with AOL because AOL came with every computer back in the early days of computers. I don't recall ever changing my XLN account to "gmail" but maybe I did as I've learned the younger generation prefers gmail. I can see from my receipts that I never used my fairly new gmail account to make the purchases. Regardless, I don't know why ALL of my products disappeared on both of my computers. That's a question I've left with XLN.


OK, got it all back and installed and I'm testing it - so far so good.


Thanx to everyone who helped and hopefully you never experience the total disappearance of your drums.

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Really? I still don't know why everything just disappeared. I've had the new e-mail address for a few years now and just out-of-the blue, 2 days ago all of my AD2 purchases were gone from my computers. Aren't they stored on my computer? Do I need to be connected to the internet to use AD2? I liked the old days better, you bought programs that came on CD/DVD's and felt like you owned them. I have a stack of old Cakewalk discs and the 5 disc monster that Cakewalk 8.0 came on.  As I recall, 8.0 was the end of getting disks in the mail, 8.5 was all downloaded. Ah, the good-old days...

Actually, I remember 2 days ago I finally allowed Windows to have access to all of my e-mails, in particular, my new gmail e-mail. I've been using a Windows 10 multi-email program for a few years that makes it easy to handle multiple e-mails in one easy to see program and after the big Windows 10 update a few weeks ago, it started asking me, very annoyingly in a big pop-up, to add my 1 gmail account. I finally succumbed and I suspect somehow that pushing of a button sent some kind of "kill AD2" drums to XLN. Fortunately, now I have the drums back and I've stopped the annoying pop-ups on my e-mail account. But I think I've left myself even more open to hacking, lack of privacy, etc. At least I've never joined facebook, the worst idea for privacy ever but my kids are on it all the time... George Orwell talked about Big Brother menacingly watching you 24/7 but he never dreamed folks would gladly pay $100/month to be watched. Guess he was wrong. The younger generation loves to be watched all the time!


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2 hours ago, user390096 said:

 Aren't they stored on my computer? Do I need to be connected to the internet to use AD2?

Yes, the AD2 files are installed on your computer. To verify this, just open up XLN Online Installer, and click the "Advanced" button. This will show the installation paths currently in use, which you can change if desired.

You only need to be connected to the internet to activate or update your AD2 software. If XLN detects a major Windows or hardware update that changes the computer  ID (fingerprint) that your software account  is linked to, your activation may be removed, requiring you to go online to reactivate.

That is weird that your XLN account lost your product registrations that were associated with your email. Only XLN could explain that one. I doubt that your AD2 files were actually removed from your computer, rather that they apparently became "lost" when they were somehow unlinked from your online account, which is tied to the XLN Online Installer. That was certainly unexpected!


Edited by abacab
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