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Making a kick and bass bus

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Hi, I'm using sonar X2 , I want to send my kick and bass to a separate bus to glue together with compression or saturation,  but most of my track outputs are already sent to side chain buss.  So I just make a send to a kick and bass buss I made, but it messes my side chain up., mainly I lose my side chain on bass. I tried switching the side chain to send but nothing  also tried sending my kick and bass buss to sidechian buss, but didnt work.. I know I could just put a side chain compressor on each track instead of sending all tracks to a side chain buss but I dont really want to that. Btw I need to side chain everything to the kick because I'm making edm.  Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong..any help would be great, thanks so much

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not sure if this helps:

i have my kick side chaining to the bass track(s). i have the kicks and basses routed to separate busses. i have a send on kick to the the "low" buss (which is all the basses and low synths etc) and can compress etc. as well as adjust the level of the kick there. kick is by default routed to a drums buss (as is the other drums + pdrum buss etc) which can have separate compression as well. 

i find this setup (for me) means the kick and bass are already "sync'd" before even hitting the mix busses and stem busses. and then in the low buss i can tweak more if needed.

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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just as a follow on - if i'm doing multiple kick tracks (source, samples, 808 plugin etc) i'll first route those to an aux track which becomes my "kick track". same for basses, etc.

note: i will do some side chaining of things at the buss level - lead vox side chained to dynamic eq on instrument buss to blend in by carving 1-2db of vox frequencies in the instruments, and perhaps some reverb/delay ducking with compression.

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