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Recommendation for final mix



I am working on an orchestral piece which will be about 30 minutes and consist of 8-10 movements, each its own Cakewalk project. Most of the movements have about 25 CW tracks, plus a handful of sound effect audio tracks as well. It's mostly the same ensemble every project, but maybe about 80% overlap. Most of the movements fade into each other, with sound effects bridging between them and sometimes ostinato things. I am responsible for the entire finished product.

I've already decided not to spend a lot of time mixing and EQing and everything because it would be slightly different for each project. I've not used track templates before, and I think it's too late for me to learn it at this point (deadlines). So each project, when finished, has a decent but not final mix close enough for demo and reference. When I'm done, however, I am going to want all the instruments to sound consistent from movement to movement. So my plan has been to disable all the effects (but leave things like expression, modulation, and volume envelopes) and export each project so that every track is a separate file. Then I will create a new project and import all my audio stems into a big-***** 30 minute audio-only project. This project will have all the effects for each instrument and I can work on the entire piece as one thing. It's 30 minutes and dozens of tracks, but they're all audio, so I'm thinking that might not take CW to its knees. Yes? No?

Anyway, I don't know that to be true, so I'm asking here well ahead of time how I should plan on doing this?

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Export track stems as Broadcast Wav & they will be timestamped for exact location in the new project. 

I used to do large track count, long multiple-movement projects that way, but the last 8 years, I've had enough horsepower to do it all in one project, mostly by freezing (or section bounces) as much as possible during the process. [Up to 75+ tracks, over 30 minutes duration]

Edited by OutrageProductions
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