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Using NI Komplete Kontrol MK3 in CbB



Hello everyone!

I have the latest version of CbB. I also have Kontakt 7 and the Kontrol S88 MK3. The Kontrol is setup as a normal MIDI Input and Output device.


I've also setup the Kontrol as a Control Surface using Mackie Control.


I'm able to record MIDI using the Kontrol and use the few simple Control Surface features like Play, Stop, and Record.

Here's the problem.

To keep it simple, let's say I have two tracks, each with a Kontakt instrument.  Trk 1 has Alicia's Keys, and Trk 2 has Scarbee Jay Bass. Trk 1 and its Kontakt instrument is set to Ch 1 and Trk 2 and its Kontakt instrument is set to Ch 2. I can play and record on either track from the Kontrol and everything works as expected.

But the Kontrol only displays one of the Kontakt instances. Usually, the 2nd instance I load, so in this case, Scarbee Bass. I can't figure out how to get the Kontrol to display Alicia's Keys. It doesn't matter which Cakewalk track I select, or which instance of Kontakt I open. The Kontrol doesn't change its display. I need this functionality to see the instrument range and the parameters I'm changing when I tweak the rotary encoders on the Kontrol.

I've tried this using two intruments in one instance of Kontakt, and I also tried using Komplete Kontrol.

I know Cakewalk isn't supported by NI the way they support Cubase, Studio One, etc., but I'm hoping I'm just missing something. Anyone figure out how to do this?


Edited by XBaker
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4 answers to this question

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On 6/6/2024 at 4:54 PM, OutrageProductions said:

CbB & Komplete Kontrol don't (yet) have GUI focus features built-in. In the top bar of KK GUI towards the right end is an icon that will manually focus the open Plug-in GUI to the keyboard. 


Thanks, I found that icon, the little 88 with a keyboard. That works as long as I'm using Komplete Kontrol. But I'm using Konakt with a lot of Multis, because I can only load one instrument into an instance of KK. I don't see a similar feature on Kontakt. Do you know of a way to do the same thing from Kontakt?

Thanks again!

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With the advent of the S MkIII series hardware, NA 2.x, and Kontakt 7, I had stopped updating from Kontakt 6 because, nearly two years later, they [NI] still don't have many of the really show-stopping bugs worked out of the system. Komplete Kontrol was originally developed to specifically port the NKS plugin data to the keyboard controls, screen, and light guide, and I have only ever used it for single instruments. However, I have orchestration templates that have more than 60 instances of KK inserted {the footprint is miniscule}  without any issues (other than the CbB/NI refusal to auto-focus), and prefer to work that way. I have only rarely used Kontakt multi's because, unless I specifically want to layer sounds, there is no easy way to control more than one instrument conveniently.
That being said... THIS is an article that leads one to believe that Kontakt 7 now has direct connect NKS interoperability, but I have many colleagues that have too many issues with it crashing or not functioning as prescribed for me to risk downtime in my studio schedule.

Edited by OutrageProductions
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On 6/9/2024 at 3:12 PM, OutrageProductions said:

With the advent of the S MkIII series hardware, NA 2.x, and Kontakt 7, I had stopped updating from Kontakt 6 because, nearly two years later, they [NI] still don't have many of the really show-stopping bugs worked out of the system. Komplete Kontrol was originally developed to specifically port the NKS plugin data to the keyboard controls, screen, and light guide, and I have only ever used it for single instruments. However, I have orchestration templates that have more than 60 instances of KK inserted {the footprint is miniscule}  without any issues (other than the CbB/NI refusal to auto-focus), and prefer to work that way. I have only rarely used Kontakt multi's because, unless I specifically want to layer sounds, there is no easy way to control more than one instrument conveniently.
That being said... THIS is an article that leads one to believe that Kontakt 7 now has direct connect NKS interoperability, but I have many colleagues that have too many issues with it crashing or not functioning as prescribed for me to risk downtime in my studio schedule.

Thanks for the informative reply, much appreciated.

As a loooooooongtime Cakewalk user (1997) I was extremely hesitant to try out Cubase which is supposed to fully support NKS. I installed the Pro 13 trial and have Cubase, Kontrol S88, Kontakt, my QCon and Monogram controllers working exactly as I'd expect them to work. It's a very appealing option right now. I'll have to think hard about leaving Cakewalk behind. It'd be like losing an old best friend.

Edited by XBaker
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