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Pastes lining up properly

Michael Blum


Still having trouble aligning pasted clips. I's looking for pastes to line up in tempo with the original copied clip. I added an audio track. I want to copy it 3 more times. So I go to select tool and select that clip, I then copy it. I want to paste this right after the original clip. I've tried adjusting the snap grid. Still not precise. Tell me what I am doing wrong. 

Attached is the audio and a copy of the GUI. Can't download all the audio due to file size. But here is where 1 clip ends and the other starts. Hope I am clear.

paste test.jpg

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I would first check the track's properties for the exact time the clip/track starts, i.e. 13:04:936.
If I wanted to paste it 16 measures later, assuming the timing is right in the first clip, I would copy it then do a Paste Special and set the start time to 29:04:936.

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why not make both the clip and the project tempo the same? ?

also, assuming you have the original clip lined up correctly on the time line, myself, i simply split the clip on an empty spot (say 1:01) and on the end. clear off the ends. then copy and paste or crtl-drag the clip to the next #:01 mark. so if i have a clip from 1:01 to 12:04, then a place my next clip on 13:01. and if the tempos are correct, then it should align.

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Musically, the last transient of the clip you posted is at 3:01; i.e. the clip is effectively 9 beats long, and wouldn't sound right as a loop unless you repeat it every three measures. Using that last transient as a reference, and trimming the dead air before the first transient, the clip averages 117.58bpm, but the timing of the transient at 2:01 is a little late. Here's a clip that's been Audiosnapped and bounced to have a consistent tempo, and extended to fill out the 3rd measure. If you import it into a 117.58bpm project (I suppose I could have rounded it to 117.6), loop the three measures, and listen to it with the playback metronome enabled, you'll hear what I'm describing.

EDIT: On re-listening, it at actually sounds pretty natural if treated as 10/4 time, i.e. looped every ten beats, but I doubt that's what was intended. ;^)



Edited by David Baay
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