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Strange Sustain Pedal Behaviour

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Hi all,

After years of working correctly, suddenly my Alesis v49 sustain won't work with CbB. I can press and release a note and it's fine. If I press and hold a note, then press and hold sustain, then release the note, it sustains. Keeping sustain pressed, if I press any other notes then they won't sound until I release the sustain pedal.

I recorded this sequence with a piano plug-in in CbB and when I opened the event list there were no control events at all, only notes. I've tried this with other piano plug-ins, and also with my piano with its built-in sustain pedal, same result.

I've also tested the setup with MIDI-OX and it reports that everything's as it should be.

The only thing I can think is that I've inadvertently changed a preference setting in CbB but they all look OK to me.

Any ideas anyone? I hope so ?

Many thanks.

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OK (my) panic over. I discovered that if I uncheck "enabled" under "keyboard shortcuts" then behaviour returns to normal. Quite why that should be I have no idea but I'm just happy to have it working again.

Sorry for the post, I wish there was a delete button ?

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Hi Mark, good to hear from you again and thanks for your concern. Nothing to worry about thankfully, just got my plate full of other stuff at the moment - a young grandson to look after and two offspring's weddings looming. You know how it is ?

Hope you're well ?

BTW I didn't see a message on Soundcloud, I wasn't being rude or ignorant, just unaware ?

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