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Special Paste

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1) When I copy and paste, the paste does not line up with current measures. If you listen to this small audio clip at about 13-14 seconds you can hear the misalignment. When I used Sonar, or cakewalk in the paste, the paste always started at the beginning of the measure. Can't seem to do this. The measures before secopnd 13-14 where aligned by hand. Is there a way to have the pastes align to the beginning of a measure without physically moving clips around.

2) Where do I save my audio loops and other midi files I want to use. Is ther a set directory that makes it easy for Cakewalk to find.?

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make sure you have snap to grid on - this will help to make sure your position is aligned on the setting - e.g. 1 bar (whole), 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 etc. in paste special, you can set the position directly.


paste special:


i have a content drive which has all the audio and midi files for all my instruments, plugins, and misc files. and in my preferences, i have that set to the cakewalk audio library as a starting point.



Edited by Glenn Stanton
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