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Kind of minimalist so best if listened to just before bedtime.

Like other songs I've written this one uses an arpeggiated bell sound with a bit of delay. Don't know why but it's really trippy, at least it seems that way to me.

I mostly like the way it came out but seems like it needs something more?

Thanks for listening/commenting.


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You are right about the bell sound - I like it.  As I was listening I thought of what the 'something more' might be.  Of course being a bass player I think it would benefit from some simple bass with an accompanying kick drum on each note for emphasis.  Not much, just downbeats and slides here and there.  I think it is the Pink Floyd vibe I am hearing, so that leads into the next suggestion, which is talking voice in places in the background with dream induced phrases.   It's a nice piece though, very relaxing.

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Larry T  and Jeff thanks for the comment and suggestion. Good point about adding some bottom end which I'm playing around with right now.

Thanks Jack

Steve I really like the "dream induced phrases" suggestion. Got some ideas on that.

Jesse thanks I appreciate the comment.

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On 6/3/2024 at 5:10 AM, bjornpdx said:

this one uses an arpeggiated bell sound with a bit of delay.

Nicely done too. Soporifically relaxing in a very plesant way,  ??  ??  ?? .  Nice mix, good definition. :)  

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