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? A new FREE ? MNTRA Synth! Introducing Reson

Larry Shelby

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I had MNTRA for a year where the plugin had tons of problems and the developer was clearly overwhelmed,  but always seemed like a decent guy who genuinely cares about customers.  

In the past several months the problems I had have all been resolved and everything is running smoothly, yet I've never found a fit for it in any of my projects. It's one of those plugins that's fun to play around with, but never gets put to use in any projects.  I imagine, for those doing cinematic, gaming, or trailer music this would probably find some use. I do think it can sound pretty cool. But to those who haven't tried MNTRA and remembered or come across old threads where lots of people reported problems with the plugin, I think it's all been resolved by now and this developer is worth giving a try, especially if you like the sound of the demos. I think the current version of the plugin is fine. 

Edited by PavlovsCat
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