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Steinberg / Yamaha UR22mk11 recording ISSUE

chris c




Please see below.


I am PRAYING you can help me with this!!


Tried the Asio4all....Cakewalk said right away on startup it wasn't compatible.


Maybe you could ask your fellow Cakewalk users? Can't believe I'm the only one with this issue!?!


Settings and computer info attached.


Aside from this ISSUE, everything else works fine! Edit tracks, add VST's, effects, meters, etc.




When I try to record on a new Audio Track, and I enable the orange "Input Echo" button beside the red Arm Record button on that track, it picks up and records ALL other previously recorded tracks as well as the audio I'm trying to record. Also, it starts what sounds like a feedback loop when you increase the volume from the fader on that track (it's NOT actual feedback, as in a guitar or mic close to a speaker). Physical "Mix" setting on the front of the UR22mk11 (Input / DAW) has no effect on the issue, and my monitors are off (just in case someone thought it was feeding back through my monitors).


ALL Steinberg/Yamaha Drivers are updated to the latest version. Running latest version of Cakewalk: Version 2024.02 (Build 098, 64 Bit.)


ANYTHING you could do to help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!


Thanks in advance,




Add Audio Track Input.png

Add Audio Track.png

Computer info.png


Driver Settings.png

Playback and Recording.png

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3 answers to this question

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It sounds like the loopback function of the audio interface is working.

If “Enable Loopback” is checked in the UR22mkII tab of the Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver setup screen, try unchecking it.

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OMG Heinz!!!

I think you NAILED IT!! I have been trying for 3 days to resolve this issue, with multiple emails/phone calls to both manufacturers, suppliers, experienced Cakewalk users,  and anyone one who had a clue about what I was talking about. I suspected it was something simple, but the solution eluded everyone.....everyone EXCEPT YOU MY FRIEND!!

You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman, and I am eternally grateful!!


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