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Rapture pro is working as a stand alone


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Previously i wrote about above mentioned plugin which is not working in bandlab Cakewalk anymore as a plugin.  Today in noticed that this synth is working as a stand alone and you get all the instruments also what you have acquired.  My question is:  how to I get it working in Cakewalk ?  As i previously mentioned about this female choir and i really like after tweaking and i enclose a part of from my arrangement.

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i believe you only need to run it (standalone or in CW) as admin to activate it. after that as long as your paths are set - libraries, presets, and DLL, you should be good to go as your normal user in CW. at least that's how it's working in mine - i ran the standalone as admin to activate, then scan in CW, and voila.

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In another thread I was asking if Dim Pro works in other DAWs. 
The answer was yes. But for me it won’t scan and show in Mixcraft. 
But turns out Rapture pro does. 

I haven’t ever used Rapture in Cakewalk but I always installed  it using CCC and it’s always on the list. I most certainly didn’t do any else to make it work. 
I think the run as administrator is if you install those using the dedicated installer and serial numbers. Seems if you install Sonar goodies using CCCyou avoid that step. 

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