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One Fine Day - Featuring Daryl on Vocals.


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This is my first post here on the new songs forum. This is a song I wrote and recorded and played all instruments except the drums which I programmed a while back and asked daryl1968 if he would sing the vocals to the song. He did and I thought his vocals turned out great!!!  I did the mix, but I'm no mix master or nothing like that, I just did the best I could at the time. 

I have been thinking about remixing this one , but I don't think in terms of hertz and things like that, I'm better off with someone saying "More treble, more bass, less bass, more bass", simple terms, like I said I am no mix master and am not going to pretend to be one.  

I would like to say thanks to Daryl for adding vocals to this song, because without his help and vocals this would have never gotten done. I'm no singer that's for sure, these days I have trouble speaking because of trying to be a singer in the 80's. 

Anyway, just thought someone might like hearing this. It's called "One Fine Day", it's about no matter how bad your day is going, you should always remember the good times. 

I recorded this using  Cakewalks Sonar Platinum at the time, it was my first attempt at using Sonar Platinum to record with, thought I'd mention that.

Thanks for listening!!!! 


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7 minutes ago, James G said:

 Yes, you have , many times.

We've all got years and years worth of material we could flood the new forum with. It's a matter of personal choice how to go forward.

I'm not FLOODING nothing here. If you have nothing productive to say or don't want to listen then why even bother replying? 

The old forums are gone for good, so are a lot of the links. 

What part of "re-mixing advice" do you not understand? And as for "YOU HEARD IT BEFORE", good, I'm glad your hearing is working. 


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21 hours ago, Leadfoot said:

Please see the smiley faces on my post. I was just having fun.

LOL! I know, I'm kidding  also myself. ? - Just wanted to say, I freaking LOVE the smiley face definitions with the smileys that they've added to these forums when you add them. So many forums don't have that, it's nice to be able to see when adding a smiley what it means. The only improvement would be to add a hover over with mouse to see what it means. But it gets the job done. So Kudos to Cakewalk by Bandlab on that for the forums.

It's a new forum and site. I hope everyone hits the reset button when it comes to others. I'm no pro musician, it's obvious, I just write songs and try and make something good happen with them because that's what I like to do. 

I don't mind critics at all, I like hearing from them. I want to make this song the best I can, not just for me but for the singer also and any song in the future that I might work with others. 

I am wanting to remix this song because I think it can be mixed down and sound better.  

Thank you for replying Leadfoot, sorry if I come across a bit harsh, I have no ill will or bad feelings towards anyone at all on the internet or forums on or off the internet. 

Thank you for keeping it real! ?

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21 hours ago, Will said:

Who are you, and what the hell did you do with Carol King?

That's a rather vague attempt at trying to upset me with that comment concerning the person in mind looks like a very good friend of mine from another social media site I used to frequent. 

Hey, don't like it, say so, don't listen if it bothers you, sorry you are upset because you don't like Carol King. 

Thanks for Hissening........... ?

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On 1/18/2019 at 6:08 PM, Will said:

Whooaakaaayyy..... O.o

I was only kidding with you. ? Sorry, a friend of mine on another social media site with the curly hair looks a lot like her.

A lot of people don't know, honestly I didn't know who Carol King was until recently. The song "You've Got A Friend" was written by her and many other hits. 

You've Got A Friend is a song I recently learned finger picking the guitar. Or that is tried to do so. 

Thanks for taking the time to listen and reply. Sorry for the attitude if I sounded that way. 




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22 hours ago, emeraldsoul said:

I don't want to go off topic, but nice song, I dig the lyrics and the guitar arpegg riff. Maybe the kick drum is too big and crunchy in spots. 

Daryl's voice is killer.




What is wrong with you? Going off topic like that by talking about a song and music and mixes and stuff like that? 

Kidding of course with that last comment. Thank you for the thoughts on the mix. I'm going to remix this tune, and not use so much compression and all that stuff. 

Honestly I have been considering just leaving it raw and simply adding an EQ on the Master and mixing it that way without all that other stuff. Because I can already see it doesn't matter how much mixing I do, open spaces with sound are better than compressed closed off room sounds.  LOL! Have no idea about any of that. 

I'm going to try and remix it sometime soon and we'll see what happens. Thanks for the Drum being too big and crunchy in spots. I'm one of those people who plays guitar and just doesn't pay enough attention when mixing to the drummer. ?  I should  no doubt. 


Thanks again for listening and taking the time to reply. 


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