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Anyway to modify "auto" track naming when dragging files in from Windows Explorer?

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Working on a mix and once the BPM is set...dragging or importing the files it adds the file name with a ( ) and the file number Cakewalk assigns the file. Anyway to get Cakewalk to NOT add that file number and just populate the Track file name exactly what the original file name is?

I know I can manually edit but 11 songs containing 60+ tracks a piece is a smidge time consuming. Figured I'd ask.  :)

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i don't think there is a way to disable the auto numbering 😞

if you had a template set up for the majority of those tracks, then the clip names would get the auto numbering and the track names would be stable.

another option would be to investigate if something like auto-hotkeys could be used as a macro to scan the tracks and remove the (##) from each name.

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if you had a template set up for the majority of those tracks, then the clip names would get the auto numbering and the track names would be stable.

but...unless i'm doing something wrong, pre-setting up tracks and THEN importing/dragging in didn't actually append the track name. It just said "Audio" versus "01 - Kick (1433)"  in the first method i listed. Calgone take me away!!!!!!!!

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