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Can't Record Automation With MIDI Controller


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Hi all,

I'm using a MIDI keyboard with some rotary knobs (Komplete Kontrol A61) that I want to use to automate a synth. I have it all working properly, using one of the knobs to control the filter cutoff in Vital. However, when I go to record this MIDI information during playback, nothing happens. The knob continues to work and I can hear it controlling the filter, but Cakewalk doesn't record any of the movement into the automation lane. Though when I control the filter with my mouse during playback, Cakewalk does record the information.

Would really appreciate some help with this as I can't find any fix online!

I've attached a photo of how I've got everything setup. I'm using Mackie Control in Cakewalk.



Screenshot (293).png

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I usually record MIDI events from a MIDI controller directly into a MIDI track. 

Then I can do further edits on the resultant MIDI events in the PRV controller lane for the given controller.  In your case, it is probably CC74 for LP filter cut off.

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Thanks for the reply. I've had some success with this before but I'd love to be able to record the MIDI automation onto my synth track to speed up my workflow. I'll give this another shot though.

I've just opened up another thread as now I can't get my control surface working at all!

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