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? Create and Export MIDI Chord Names (Cuebase example)



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Lots of software can do this but not Sonar. I noticed that if I create a midi sequence in Band in a Box ( or Jjazz or Chord Pulse)  and open it in Sonar and the chords show as markers. 
Therefore as a pretty efficient work flow I can map out my song in one of those programs , try different styles , arrangements and drum grooves and then transfer the midi file to Sonar. 
I then rebuild the song playing my own parts the way I want it. If it’s just a cover song I don’t need to do too much.
So basically I’m using AI generated midi which also gives me the chord symbol as a bonus. 
You can use BiaB as aVST plug in in Sonar but I haven’t messed around with that option yet. I don’t think it would create the markers. 

Chord track has been a much requested feature for a long time and I would guess it’s high  on the teams list of future upgrades. First the bugs then the goodies. 

Edited by John Vere
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