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Cakewalk Sonar Preview Updated to 2024.5

Larry Shelby

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Various UI/Theming improvements


XSampler is a simple sampler that lets you import audio, perform basic processing, and play it like an instrument with up to 16 voices. Instantly convert a single audio file into a playable or triggable sound that can be played back at different pitches and speeds.

There are many ways to get audio into XSampler: import audio from the file system, drag loops and one-shots from the Media Browser, drag audio clips (including partial clip selections) from any track.

After audio has been added, you can loop, trim, crossfade, change playback behavior and modulation or filtering options to create interesting musical ideas.

XSampler is inserted like any other VST3 instrument. To quickly create an XSampler instrument, do one of the following:

Click the Add Track button (+), select the Instrument tab, then click the Instrument drop-down menu and select Cakewalk > XSampler

Select Insert > Soft Synth > Cakewalk > XSampler

In the Pluginins Browser, select the Instruments tab, then double-click Cakewalk > XSampler (or drag XSampler to the track header pane)

Note: XSampler in Sonar works similar to XSampler in Cakewalk Next, except direct recording is currently not available. For more details about XSampler, see page 142 in the Next User Manual PDF.

A/B plugin settings

Use the A/B buttons to compare two different versions of a plugin's settings.

Select either slot A or slot B and adjust the plugin settings, then toggle between the two slots. Adjustments made to the selected slot do not affect the other slot.

You can copy settings from the selected slot to the other slot. This is useful if you want to slightly modify the current settings and compare with the original settings. To do so, click the Copy Settings to Slot A/B button.

To revert the selected slot to its initial settings, click the Revert Settings button.

Fixed: Crash after copying Arranger Section

Fixed: PRV Drum Grid fails to initially paint clip outlines

Fixed: Regression: Velocity Audition fails to work from Controller Pane

Fixed: User Reported Crash on Launch

Fixed: Regression: Sonar opens multiple Melodyne Windows Unexpectedly when Recycle Plug-in Windows is turned off

Fixed: Creating a Melodyne clip results in crash

Fixed: Promo Page displays for expired builds unexpectedly

Fixed: Crash inserting Instrument Track in new project

Fixed: Lane Solo and Mute buttons can fail to engage

Fixed: Intermittent crash selecting projects in Start Screen

Fixed: Creating a region FX removes plugins from MultiDock

Fixed: Replace bitmap based buttons in Synth Rack with SVGs

Fixed: Parent clip selection highlight not immediately removed on Select None (CTRL+SHIFT+A)

Fixed: Crash on startup in CCtrlBarToolsModule::DoPaint()

Fixed: Regression: Crash when enabling ProChannel Console-C external module

Fixed: Regression: Non MIDI events no longer show in Event View

Fixed: Regression: Plugin windows fail to persist XY coordinates

Fixed: Quick Start keeps reopening when the app is in an alert state

Fixed: WMA files do not display in Media Browser

Fixed: PC FX Chain IO sliders draw incorrectly when moving app between scaled displays

Fixed: Hit zone for drop arrow in VST Preset box does not behave as expected when scaled

Fixed: Misc Inspector docking related layout/painting issues

Fixed: ProChannel EQ plot is hidden after changing Preferences display scale

Fixed: ProChannel Style Dial modules are drawn incorrectly when Preferences display scale < 100%

Fixed: Vertical slider handles are drawn at the wrong size when Preferences display scale <> 100%

Fixed: Inserting track templates that contain synths cause a memory leak of the synth

Fixed: Clean audio disk doesn't save the project file prior to doing the clean operation

Fixed: Regression: ProChannel FX Chain IO sliders fail to respond correctly with DPI Awarenesss OFF

Fixed: Crash while removing projects from Start Screen

Fixed: Regression: HMSF not displayed in Event List

Fixed: Regression: Buses outputting to Surround Bus fail to show surround panner

Fixed: Step Sequencer fails to loop if first note is deleted

Fixed: Regression: Browser search text is misaligned

Fixed: Unexpected characters appear when editing Group Names

Fixed: Inspector collapsed state fails to persist when reopening project

Fixed: Regression: Sonar crashes when stretching clip during playback

Fixed: Start Screen: mouse cursor changes to hourglass cursor a few seconds after opening

Fixed: Incorrect Inspector/ProChannel layout at some display scales

Fixed: Regression: Arturia synths crash when loading from Track Template

Fixed: Start Screen does not update Local Projects

Fixed: Inconsistent tooltip text for Post Fader button on Sends in Console View

Fixed: Track View fails to scroll while adding sections to additional arranger tracks

Fixed: The Control Bar is momentarily visible in white on app startup

Fixed: Floating Inspector size not adjusted correctly after changing Preferences display scale

Fixed: ProChannel FX Chain modules are not centered when Preferences display scale <> 100%

Fixed: PRV fails to scroll when adding articulation sections in additional lanes

Fixed: Typing "\" becomes "+\" in preferences with Finnish keyboard

Fixed: Typing '=' character in Track Name yields '+=' in Track Name

Fixed: Negative MIDI Time+ Offset causes first note to be dropped on freeze

Fixed: F2 does not rename plugins when displayed by category in Browser

Fixed: Project markers are cut off in Export Range on scaled displays

Fixed: Regression: Right column of Track/Clip Inspector not visible

Fixed: NI Overcharger plugin opens at the wrong size when set to DPI aware

Fixed: Dragging Quick Start window near app title bar causes it to close

Fixed: Quick Start makes alert sounds when clicking on app menu items to open them

Fixed: Regression: ProChannel Console Emulator draws in wrong place after reopening project

Fixed: Unexpected clips rendered when dragging audio to MIDI track in project

Fixed: VST Plugin DPI awareness issues when opened via the Add Track flyout

Edited by cclarry
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