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Routing stereo audio track into channels based on panning


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My scenario: I'm recording a guitar with two mics and usually record this on two separate tracks so that I can process them separately. When editing takes this is less than ideal but it's how I've been working for a while now, but I'm looking to improve my workflow. So I'm looking to split them up based on panning so that I can edit takes simultaneously. 

Attempted solution: I've recorded a track as a stereo audio file and created two buses - one for left and one for right. In each of these buses I've added a channel matrix which only allows through the left or right channel, accordingly. The buses are sent pre-fader and the track's volume is turned to -inf.

The problem: when I solo eg the L channel, I can still hear a tiny bit of what is supposed to be on the right.


1. Is there something obvious I might have done wrong that means what I'm expecting to be on the right channel is slightly within the left too, making them impossible to separate?

2. Is there a better solution?

Thanks guys!

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I often record guitars with 2 mics and I record them in two different tracks like you.

After recording you could select the 2 clips and in the CLIPS menu choose "create clip selection group".

Now, as soon as you select one of the clips both become selected and you can do quicker editing.




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2 hours ago, Giorgio Gabriel said:

After recording you could select the 2 clips and in the CLIPS menu choose "create clip selection group".

Or use the option to group while recording in Record options which will also group multiple takes for comping.


3 hours ago, Sam said:

2. Is there a better solution?

I would recommend grouping, but if you really want to  do it with left/right channels of a stereo track, Send to Aux Tracks instead of buses and set each track Input to only the left or right channel of the patch point.

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