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Audio export fails



I habitually export audio from a work in progress so that I can listen away from the workstation. Sometimes when exporting audio, CW will only mix down a single track. I've had this happen before and discovered I only had that track selected, or it was solo'ed or something. But lately it will do this when I'm POSITIVE that isn't the case. I will see CW select everything I want exported, so everything looks good, and playing back in CW works fine, but then I just get one track in the mp3. I'll do it again and it will work fine. Anyone experience this?

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Set up you preferred export settings and save it as a pre set. I did this years ago and have never had issues since. But having a track selected will cause this irregardless so always look at the track list in the right hand menu.

Normally your Audio outputs will show as checked in the right hand area. And now with Sonar we finally have start and end markers so you can select entire mix. 
You won’t have issues if you take the time to learn how the export module works.
I think it’s one of the best improvements that happened over the last years. I hatted it at first but now I understand it I think it’s well done. 

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