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All clips in track become part of a group when i make a selection with the comp tool...Setting?

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Build 24 02 098

If i open up a track with multiple takes on it that are not grouped, then i use the comp tool to select a portion of one of the clips, all the other takes are then added to a new group the size of the selection i made, they are not unmuted but just become part of a track group. 

Is this a setting i can turn off?

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On 5/10/2024 at 1:11 PM, Green Needle said:

then i use the comp tool to select a portion of one of the clips,

You can't select with the Comp tool, you can only comp (i.e. split out the swept section in all concurrent takes and mute the the takes other than the one you're sweeping). To select with the Smart tool, you need to make the take lane a bit taller than minimum so that you can get the Select tool cursor when hovering near the center of the lane height (higher gives you the Move tool, and lower gives you the Comp tool). 

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