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Sonic Charge Synplant2 update - 4 new "mods"


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Dear Synplant Owner,

Great news! We’ve just released the first four "mods" for Synplant 2. Mods are scripts that add new features or change existing functionality without a complete plugin update.

The mods are:

Favorite Button: Quickly mark and access your favorite patches.
Tween Branches: Enable transitions of sounds across different velocities or keyboard ranges.
Detailed DNA Hints: Gain clearer insights into synth settings with enhanced tooltips in the DNA Editor.
Graft Onto Branch: Copy and paste branches from different plants into one, allowing you to combine and morph patches.

To find out more, watch the demo, and download the mods, head over to our forum.


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1 hour ago, jngnz said:

How about an MPE mod? I don’t get it. A synth like this screams MPE.

You made me curious so I checked SonicCharge's forum and found this thread.
If you have access to their forum check it out.

Here's some of its content:
Note I've not tried implementing these (yet), just passing on the info.

One post:

In another post:
In Synplant's GUI, open the MIDI settings via the menu...


...and set "Pitch wheel" to 48.

Next, in Ableton's device view, right-click on Synplant's device header and check the box for "Enable MPE Mode"

Now, note pitch envelopes should work.


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Note: the PC version of this update patch is setting off virus alarms with BitDefender antivirus. Sonic Charge has been notified. 

NO ISSUES DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING IT NOW - seems they cleared the issues.
No complaints from either Windows 11, Edge browser or Bit Defender.
I was able to download it and install it.

Edited by TheSteven
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Note: the PC version of this update patch is setting off virus alarms with BitDefender antivirus. Sonic Charge has been notified. 

NO ISSUES DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING IT NOW - seems they cleared the issues.
No complaints from either Windows 11, Edge browser or Bit Defender.
I was able to download it and install it.

Edited by TheSteven
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