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SyncroArts Our new and improved website is live! ?

Larry Shelby

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The older website was easier to tell when there was an update. Now  the new file names remove the version number.  And there is no release  date on the webpage for the latest  version. Anyone else notice this or is there a different way I’m missing?

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2 hours ago, Greg said:

The older website was easier to tell when there was an update. Now  the new file names remove the version number.  And there is no release  date on the webpage for the latest  version. Anyone else notice this or is there a different way I’m missing?

It's nice that you can now actually have an account with Synchro Arts and that they can connect to your iLok and link your purchases to your account.

Yes - it would be nice if they still included the version number as part of the download file name. But being that I can copy that info from the web page and then paste it  (add it) to the file name when I download things that doesn't bother me so much (I already have to do this with most plugin downloads).

That they don't show the release dates on the 'my-products' page bothers me much more.

I've already opened a ticket politely requesting/suggesting that they add this information to the web page.
If either or both (or other) of these issues bother you please take a moment and politely request that they modify things.  Many companies will respond to polite feedback about such things.
If you wish to submit a ticket to Synchro Arts - here's the link to the appropriate page  https://synchroarts.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/search?utf8=✓&query=web ,
the link, "Submit a request", is on the top menu bar. 
Note that this takes you into their Zendesk support site, you don't have to log in and your Synchro Arts login doesn't work here.

Also - it also looks like they've updated all their plugs since last time I checked, but not finding a change list.

Edited by TheSteven
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