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Drive Me Away

Douglas Kirby

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I like the song, has a nice vibe to it and made for an enjoyable listen.

The one thing that struck me right away was the length of the intro. It was longer than I expected, and for a second or two I was wondering if this was going to be an instrumental track. Possible the vocals should start earlier, or maybe add some additional development of the arrangement when the opening phrase/progression gets repeated. Just my two cents. 

But overall, I quite liked the song.

Edited by Amicus717
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Liked the song.  Because of the pace of the verse you might want to change the rhyming scheme a little.  Other than that this is a great song...  It's definitely as good as anything I've heard on the radio.  As far as amicus's critique it did take a while to get to the verse.  A lot of pop songs  have something play over the intro chord changes, the second time the play, like a paraphrase of the melody.

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Amicus717 - Thanks for giving my song a listen and I'm glad you liked the song.  I have to keep the intro - I can't think of any other way to do it -perhaps I should add something there to make it more interesting.

David Sprouse - Thanks for listening and your kind comments.

daryl1968 - Thanks for listening.  The album title is inspired a bit by Albert Camus.  I did another mix, and I think the drums come off better now.

HectorS - Thanks for giving my song a listen.  I did a total remix of the song - so I hope it's improved.

bjornpdx - Thanks for your comments - yes, Tom Petty was a big influence for me - I pretty much grew up with his music.

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I'm a fan. The second half of the intro, maybe add a organ/B3  noodle to make a longer intro more relevant? I like the guitar tones for their guts and realness.

The mix works for me, but it's not cohesive in the reverb dept, as in "Is everyone in the same space?" - that would be not really. It's studio treatment, where the singer has slapback, the drums have a bit of natural stairwell, the guitars are up front. I'm OK with that if it's a good song and vocal performance.


Which, this is. Your vocals are good, the vocal arrangement is sweet spot all the way, and the toe tapping factor is 9.9 out of 10.

Ending? some beat got skipped? And the last three seconds are the noise floor being compressed up? You might look at that.


Is this an album that's already baked and in the can?






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emeraldsoul - Thanks for your kind comments and for listening to my song.  You have good ears for reverb - probably better than mine.  I'll revisit that on the next mix of this song.  Answering your question, yes my album was finished in Oct. of last year, but I'm still messing with the mixes.  It was a double album - 32 songs - so it's a lot of work, or fun, depending on how you look at it?

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The mix sounded fine to me  -- I am assuming that you must have re-worked it.  I love the sound of this song.  Everything about the instrumentation further develops and complements the lyrics.  Song flows and has a great chorus (hook) that I believe would make this very commercial.  Perhaps the thing that I like best about this number is that it is not overstated in its presentation.  The entire song draws one in with out flashy lead breaks, screeching and screaming, and vocal notes are not held for 20 minutes at top volume.  BTW the background vocals really add to the song. The only suggestion that I would have is in agreement with some of the suggestions above  --- perhaps a lead over the repeat of the intro chords might help.  Anyway, very nice work!!

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