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Save volume envelope

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Mix recall will do this if the project is the same layout. Otherwise all I can think is to try dragging the track from project to project with them both open. Delete the audio and drag the existing audio to the blank track? Not at my computer so can’t test

To transfer mix recall you save first project as a mix scene. 
Open 2nd  project. Using the browser browse to the mix recall folder of the first project and drag scene 1 and drop it on the track pane of project 2.  This of course will copy every detail of what was in project 1. Including all plug ins. 
So the workaround might be to work with a backup project if #1 and first delete all but the track with the automation before saving the mix scene. Once again just thinking out loud but might work. The 2 tracks will need to be named exactly the same. So example Track 1. 

Edited by John Vere
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