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rapture pro issue


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Hi all, i been working with Sonar and now this bandlab Cakewalk over 20 yrs.  I use Rapture pro synth occasionally and most it's angelic choir to my songs (they are really good after tweaking).  This rapture pro has stopped working even if you download again from  older Cakewalk site.  I have many synths and most what i need to use to my arrangement is that female choir.  Does anybody know how to get this Rapture working again.  I tried many many ways without result.

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I think you need to be much more specific. First of all, by “bandlab Cakewalk” I assume you mean Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB)?

If so, what do you mean when you say Rapture Pro has stopped working? Can you see it your list of instrument plugins in the CbB browser? If so, can you create a track in CbB with an instance of Rapture Pro? If so, can you open the Rapture Pro interface and see its list of installed soundbanks?

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Sorry, i mean CW by bandlab.  Previously i had Cakewalk DAWs since 199..something.  I have this Rapture pro installed and it shows this plugin list.  It's very strange sometimes it worked before and now it don't work at all.  It shows instrument list perfectly and midi is working (keyboard is blinking) but no instrument sounds.  I use currently only this female choir and  haven't found the better one.  I have many choirs (spitfire, roland) but this choir suites the best when i'm building my soundscape.  I'm really lost 'cause i don't wanna loose those good sounding choir.

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I’m still not sure I completely understand. So, can you open the interface of Rapture Pro and see the list of soundbanks, the same way it looks in the image above. But you can’t get any sound out of Rapture Pro? If so, does other instrument plugins that you may have installed (like for instance Rapture, Dimension Pro, Z3ta+, Session Drummer etc.) work in CbB?

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49 minutes ago, John Vere said:

Interesting topic because I just installed Cakewalk Next on a Laptop and I noticed that Rapture was in its Quarantined folder?

I don’t use it I use DimPro which I was to understand can play Rapture sounds? 

Actually, Rapture Pro can play Dim Pro sounds, but not the other way around.

I am using the latest Sonar, and I'm having a problem with RP being silent in older projects, too.  My workaround is to install a new track with RP, dragging the MIDI from the silent track into the new one, and it plays OK thereafter.  Not all of my older projects exhibit this behavior, but several do, which leads me to think there may be a communication problem between CbB and Sonar.  Hopefully, it will get sorted out.

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