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The Gull.


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This is an short introductory to a potential series.

A lone Gull out to sea, more interested in perfecting his flight skills than squabling on the beach with the other Gulls.

Toy used For The Gull

Cherry Audio
Voltage Modular Custom Patch ,The Surf, which is never the same twice when recording.

Korg M1

Axxess 1
Oddity 3

2600 V3 (The Gull)
Modular (Moog) (The squabble on the beach)


Boz Digitals Width

All other FX stock Cakewalk S-Plat and Sonar

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Looking forward to the finished album ,,?

Just a little too simple with the triads .. maybe a pad as a contra flow / enhancement  to give this bird flight LOL .. but otherwise good potential for a future project .. 


Stay well


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11 hours ago, Supa Reels said:

Looking forward to the finished album ,,?

Just a little too simple with the triads .. maybe a pad as a contra flow / enhancement  to give this bird flight LOL .. but otherwise good potential for a future project .. 


Stay well


Yep no Bmb5+9 in this  ? it is meant to be simple, setting a scene, The Gull is learning how to fly, not just fly to fish, not to chase the trawlers for scraps, or to fight the other gulls for a fish head or two. But really fly,  fly like no other gull has flown before.  First level flight, perhaps a barrel roll or two, his ultimate gull though is speed.

Thanks for the ears and kind thoughts, part two is in the bakery. 

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On 5/4/2024 at 2:57 PM, Bajan Blue said:

Hi Wookie

I like this and I can you growing this into a whole suite of music

Cool stuff



Thanks Nigel, it might take a little while the story behind is quite deep and is going to take some interesting roads to complete. 

Appreciate your kind words and ongoing support. 

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A while ago a friend and I were debating if instrumentals could actually tell a story.  I was on the side that they could.  I used a surfing instrumental (the title of which I can't remember).  To me it presented the paddling out to the catch a wave, waiting to catch the right wave, the thrill of riding the wave, and the dismounting of the board in the soupy surf at the end.  Given this song and what you stated above -- I think this song would be another good example of my point that an instrumental can present an image and/or story.

I look forward to more postings as you develop more of the story.

Really good stuff!!

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On 5/5/2024 at 4:58 AM, noynekker said:

Sounding great so far . . . gull glissandos and all, very convincing. Hopefully you can build it into a series . . . interesting how you have a story mapped out in your mind, like a video.

Thanks, my partner inspired me to this over 20 years ago I never felt capable back then. Not sure I am now but I have to try for her.

Appreciate your kind words and encouragement. 

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On 5/6/2024 at 1:04 AM, freddy j said:

A while ago a friend and I were debating if instrumentals could actually tell a story.  I was on the side that they could.  I used a surfing instrumental (the title of which I can't remember).  To me it presented the paddling out to the catch a wave, waiting to catch the right wave, the thrill of riding the wave, and the dismounting of the board in the soupy surf at the end.  Given this song and what you stated above -- I think this song would be another good example of my point that an instrumental can present an image and/or story.

I look forward to more postings as you develop more of the story.

Really good stuff!!

Thanks Freddy, your kind words and encouragement are welcome. 

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22 hours ago, Kevin Walsh said:

Lovely little suite, here, looking forward to part 2. The gull sounds were very good indeed.

Thanks Kevin, the gull is from Arturia's ARP 2600 filter in self oscillation, some ADSR and delay, with a tad of reverb. Appreciate your kind words and time.

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On 5/16/2024 at 2:55 PM, mark skinner said:

Very Cool and for sure Creative.  I liked the way you created the gull sounds. There are a lot of nice sections in this to get your attention.  At some point a video would be nice ..                 Loved it ..    mark

Thanks Mark, most sounds/voices are originals, the Gull sounds are definitely. The others, as always, much easier than starting from scratch evry time, probably started as a preset but presets need tweaks to fit a mix. Which normally results in a new sound.

I really do appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment. 

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On 5/17/2024 at 12:14 AM, bjornpdx said:

Hi Wookie,
I got some nice visuals of a swooping, diving gull so I think you succeeded nicely in describing its flight in sounds.  


Thank Bjorn, working on the next two parts, just need to get the musical imagery right.

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