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UJAM Crossgrade Sale (Exclusive)

Larry Shelby

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47 minutes ago, kitekrazy said:

Studio One pretty much rejects all UJAM vst3.

Every one of my UJAM vst3 plugins have worked fine in S1...  (?)

BTW, I don't own the BeatMaker line. Mostly "finishers".

Edited by mibby
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I did have an issue with some of the UJAM plugs when I built my current Windows PC last month.  I somehow ended up with pieces of older versions trying to coexist with newer ones.  In particular it was hanging Komplete Kontrol scanner.  I ended up having to uninstall it all AND dig in and delete folders that UJAM left behind in the Windows "user" directories.  It is a PITA to install when you have a lot of UJAM stuff- you can't just trust it to click them all.  You apparently need to install each one and move down the list.  I think that is part of what caused my problems.  Anyway- all been working in Studio One and Ableton since then.  I also only use/keep the VST3 versions, except for the few that are still VST2 only.

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