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Keyzone installation

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Hi everyone. So I downloaded keyzone VST classic and I'm trying to add it to my program files Cakewalk VST plugins. Unfortunately if I try to download into that folder or copy and paste I have no luck because it says I don't have permission. No idea how to run as administrator from there?

I told it to install anyway and it appears in my bottom foldrr of VST plugs but I drag it into a track and click on it and it says there are no sounds.


Edited by Stephen Simmons
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I know this is old but it could probably help someone who got stuck on this like me:
Since I have a fresh installation of both Cakewalk and Keyzone in my system, I had to go to Cakewalk > Edit > Preferences (shortcut P) > File > VST Settings > VST Scan Paths > Add > 'C\program Files\VST plugins'.
Make sure 'Automatic Background Scan' is selected under 'Scan Options' else you'd need to 'Scan' manually.

(ref below screenshot)

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