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Creating Sections from Markers

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a) I have generated a seed MIDi File for Korg Style Creation. (I mention it though this is not important).

b) It has several markers 40+ (this is important)

c) I can select a region between two markers --

Clicking in the top region of the timeline (Big Vertical Down Arrow)  between two markers and get that region selected.

d) Right Click and and Create an Arranger Section.  (Create Sections From  Markers)

Menu has both the "Sections" and "Markers" in Plural.  

But I get only one Arranger Section Created!!

by design? or is it a bug?


See the Screenshot below.

a) How do I get to create Arranger Sections for all the Region/Sections between the Markers?  Has anyone Created a Macro or is there a System Macro?

b) Clearly you can see why I want to automate this.. 40+ markers!!

it is obviously tedious, and,  ideally systems should spare users of such tedium (a very important System Design Principle, at least what I hold and taught all my students!).

c) I would add that Cakewalk is thoughtfully and partially addressing it through automation scripts capability. 

Wish there was a built-in menu or built-in script for this. I have played with Cal Scripts and created a few, but not sure if it is possible to create one for this needs scenario.  

d) I will preempt digression into a possible design rational discussion.

As arguments that mass users do not need these, is actually a facetious argument!!

The System Design Principle I advocate has been my driving Philosophy for all Products & Technology Businesses I have led over decades.

Thanks in advance.





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But, for me, Arranger Sections are not looping.

a) Individually when I select and play.  (whether the above time line Loop is enabled or not)

b) Similarly when I play an Arrangement of all the arranger sections, with Loop Enabled. Left Side Bottom.

In both the case, Playing continues beyond the end of the last Arranger section, and does not loop return back to the first.

Is there some configuration parameter I am missing to set?

Also, Is there any specific way I need to get the MIDI file loaded into the Project? 

I know if I import MIDI, the Markers do not come through.

If open MIDI Markers come through.

I cannot recall whether it was possible to insert a Midi file - I think Insert Midi menu item is disabled.

Thanks Sri.

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10 minutes ago, Sridhar Raghavan said:


But, for me, Arranger Sections are not looping.

a) Individually when I select and play.  (whether the above time line Loop is enabled or not)

b) Similarly when I play an Arrangement of all the arranger sections, with Loop Enabled. Left Side Bottom.

In both the case, Playing continues beyond the end of the last Arranger section, and does not loop return back to the first.

Is there some configuration parameter I am missing to set?

Also, Is there any specific way I need to get the MIDI file loaded into the Project? 

I know if I import MIDI, the Markers do not come through.

If open MIDI Markers come through.

I cannot recall whether it was possible to insert a Midi file - I think Insert Midi menu item is disabled.

Thanks Sri.

You need at least one Audio track for timing in the arranger to work correctly (it gets its timing from the Audio Engine).

Just insert a blank audio track or a soft synth.

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3 minutes ago, Sridhar Raghavan said:


Thanks for the tip. 

I did add an audio track and tried. It still does not loop.

Below I am trying to loop the arranger section icv2.

Track 17, the last one is the new Audio Track.

Thanks for any additional guidance.



It looks like the audio engine isn't running (it's greyed out).  Do you have audio devices set up?

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Could it be the way I created the Project is causing the problem?

I selected Empty Project, but I noticed that it said CWT (rather than CWP).

I will try again creating an empty project with a MIDI and Audio Tracks. 

Then Open the midi file and run the steps from there on.


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I check project settings for the audio and everything seemed fine. 

So I decided to import some audio into that audio track and mute the track.

Now the Arrangement is looping properly!!!

Individual Segments in the list view (left, top view) play once and gets back to its start. Do not run away!

Assume that this the expected behavior -- as Loop is not selected in the area above the Timeline.

Thanks for the tips.. Will remember and write myself a short note on all these.

Thanks Sri.

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