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Sonar 8.5 Producer Plugin Properties: What Does This Parameter Do?


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I'm currently reorganizing and reconfiguring plugins in Sonar 8.5, and there's a parameter within the "Plugin Properties" dialog box of each plugin that I'm not sure I understand. The parameter is a checkbox that says, "Serialize Host Access". What does it do? Should this checkbox be checked or unchecked?

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30 minutes ago, Annabelle said:

I'm currently reorganizing and reconfiguring plugins in Sonar 8.5, and there's a parameter within the "Plugin Properties" dialog box of each plugin that I'm not sure I understand. The parameter is a checkbox that says, "Serialize Host Access". What does it do? Should this checkbox be checked or unchecked?

From the Cakewalk User Guide

Serialize Host Access. When Serialize Host Access is selected, communications with the plug-in are serialized as far as
possible. The default behavior is OFF, which allows asynchronous calls to the plug-in.

When Serialize Host Access is disabled, Cakewalk’s audio engine runs more efficiently and allows the UI thread to interact
independently with the plug-in GUI without impacting the audio engine.

The only reason to enable Serialize Host Access would be for a plug-in that has thread safety problems leading to crashes or
glitches when changing plug-in presets.

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