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IK adds a Tuner to Tonex pedal


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Just a head's up...  If you misplace a knob on these units, you are s.o.l. when it comes to IK.  Someone returned one of mine on a project, and apologetically returned it missing a knob and the company said "This is not a spare part we have generally available unfortunately.".  They don't have any replacements, don't offer any, and cannot recommend any source of replacement.  

I think I'll be able to track something down, but I got the feeling from my interaction with them that they give zero farts.  

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1 hour ago, e-cue said:

Just a head's up...  If you misplace a knob on these units, you are s.o.l. when it comes to IK.  Someone returned one of mine on a project, and apologetically returned it missing a knob and the company said "This is not a spare part we have generally available unfortunately.".  They don't have any replacements, don't offer any, and cannot recommend any source of replacement.  

I think I'll be able to track something down, but I got the feeling from my interaction with them that they give zero farts.  


I've got 2 of them but this kind of thing confirms my suspicion that IKM really has some growing to do on the physical guitar product front.  

They feel well built, but you also have to account for the fact that these things are meant to take some abuse - being stepped on, tripped over, etc.  

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13 hours ago, Brian Walton said:


I've got 2 of them but this kind of thing confirms my suspicion that IKM really has some growing to do on the physical guitar product front.  

They feel well built, but you also have to account for the fact that these things are meant to take some abuse - being stepped on, tripped over, etc.  

That's the truth.  There's a reason they're called "stomp boxes".

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17 hours ago, e-cue said:

Just a head's up...  If you misplace a knob on these units, you are s.o.l. when it comes to IK.  Someone returned one of mine on a project, and apologetically returned it missing a knob and the company said "This is not a spare part we have generally available unfortunately.".  They don't have any replacements, don't offer any, and cannot recommend any source of replacement.  

I think I'll be able to track something down, but I got the feeling from my interaction with them that they give zero farts.  

Sorry about that, can you please let me know what your ticket number was?  Sourcing a knob shouldn't be rocket science even if they could get you the right specs and some suggestions for third party replacement.

Edit - in the mean time you might want to check out https://stompboxparts.com/knobs/mxr-style-knob/ though it might be the larger size at https://stompboxparts.com/knobs/large-mxr-style-knob/  (but either should work, I just don't know which is the exact same size at this moment)

Edited by IK Multimedia
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