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Is the cakewalk meter peak reliable? Seems not


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Hi there, I always use the cakewalk meter on each track to see if peaking and track is running too hot.

I usually try to maintain each track around -6 db or maximum -4db.

I noticed that if I use the youlean loudness meter 2 plugin on the same track and I compare the highest peak with the cakewalk embedded meter, there is a difference of 1db or so.

I believe I should maybe rely on the Youlean meter for more precise measurement?

What do you reckon?


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  • 3 weeks later...

If you find a need for such meticulous reliance on your eyes instead of your ears, maybe a vocation in the visual arts would be more suitable. 

Professionals generally find that less than 1 dB on a meter is a rarely discernible signal to the average ear in real response, and even less so psycho-acoustically. Just ask Katz.

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