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On 4/11/2024 at 7:39 PM, AndyB01 said:

That drone is both distracting and mesmerising at the same time - I really like the synth work - has  a kind of Vangelis feel to it. I feel that if Einaudi wrote synth pop - this is the kind of music he would make. There are a lot of layers to this - and I'm not one who really appreciates electronic music - but this is very cool. ?


Electronic music does not appeal to all, my fascination I blame on an ARP synth I stumbled across at college one day. Thanks for the listen good to know you found it cool, an6 association with Mr Vangelis is appreciated. (Though I really am not worthy)

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On 4/13/2024 at 2:33 PM, Bajan Blue said:

Hi Wookie

Like this, very much up my street

Cool stuff my friend.

I notice you used a Moogerfooger MF-108S - I had a real problem with my Moogerfoogers after aa overdue  software update, but I have got them all working again except the MF-108S - have you had any issues with yours??




Thanks for the listen and comments appreciated. Seems to work fine, but their authorisation method is somewhat shaky. Just today I had to login to reauthorise, what a performance, first I had to login into the website, then the app would let login via the app to authorise it.

Thanks again Nigel. 

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On 4/13/2024 at 9:54 PM, Lynn Wilson said:

I like the way it sucked me in, and then it changed and held my interest.   Very nice textures in this one.  You never seem to run out of ideas!

Thanks Lynn, not sure where they come from, I suspect they are floating around in the ether and somehow they find their way to my furry paws. Appreciate the ears, time and comments. 

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On 4/17/2024 at 12:38 AM, mark skinner said:

Hey Wookie , I Really like the Blade Runner feel I get in several parts of this. Very cool !  A Very nice production and I'll bet you had a good time doing it. Very impressive.                  Loved it ..


Building the drone was an interesting experience, nice to know you found it cool.

Thanks for your time, ears and kind comments. 

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On 4/18/2024 at 4:03 PM, Supa Reels said:

HM-mm ....  I dunno Wooks, your stuff gets me into trouble with the misses, in that I find myself humming to a song I've never heard  ... but I have ... It's these compositions  you write !!

Much love


Apologies to you and your good lady. Thanks for the kind words and the worm in your ear ? .

Most kind.

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On 4/18/2024 at 5:14 PM, cakeboy said:

Very nice

Thank you.


On 4/18/2024 at 10:03 PM, steve@baselines.com said:

Nice expansive sound fields there - I like that woooooo-oooo in the bass-mid against the popping high synths.  Gonna have to dig out my synths and patch some cables (on the screen anyway!).  Good work on this one.  I like the way the level increases over time.


That is the drone, three different types of oscillator, with three different wave forms each being modulated by their own LFO's with further LFO's modulating those LFO's a really slow rates. The entire drone is built in Cherry Audio's Voltage Modular. 

Glad you found it inspiring, appreciate the comments and your time.


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On 4/19/2024 at 4:49 AM, bjornpdx said:

I don't believe I've ever heard that spooky sine wavey thing before in the intro.
Great transition to Berlin school! Liked that a lot. Great job on this one Wookie.

Thank you bjorn. I am surprised you haven't experimented with drone. 

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