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About the faders of the tracks

Matias Nicolas Biglieri


5 answers to this question

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17 minutes ago, Matss said:

mmm i don't understand

As they said. The signal from the track or instrument enters the channel strip at the top and travels downward. The Gain control is first, then the Pro Channel, ( can be pre or post FX rack)  then the FX racky, then any effects or aux sends ( which can be pre or post fader) then the MSR module ( the Mute/Solo/Record)  the pan and very last the output fader. Just like a real mixing board. 

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2 hours ago, Matss said:

When you move up and down the fader in a track that have some fx plugins on you are  increasing/decreasing  the audio signal that enters the plugins or you are modifying the final audio already processed?

The final audio - in the track itself. -Since it wasn't specified, that would not normally affect any signal level to inline fx plugins (ones in the ProChannel or the FX Bin of that track) in a basic routing situation. Do take note however, that depending on how you use fx, the matter can be complicated by using sends or other routings, to fx elsewhere in your mix, sidechain inputs, what have you, just to be clear. -Using the signal flow charts referred to in other posts, and in help, really can be worth a look.

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