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Metronome recorded on my track


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16 hours ago, John Vere said:

Forget it. 

Dude you have been so aggressive towards me on multiple of my posts, why do you even come on here if you're going to act like that? I didn't say anything bad, just expressed my experience. I can't just get a new interface in a day, so if there is something I can do about it for the time being, I'm going to try. Please get out of here with your negative attitude. 

Edited by Jenna
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i used to use a similar Behringer 4-ch USB mixer, so unlikely the issue. since you have the metronome off, and you muted the metronome buss, if you're still hearing it, then either you have something running which is producing the metronome (like a virtual instrument - some drum VST have metronomes which play along), or somehow you recorded a metronome on a track which is why you cannot turn it off... if this last couple are the issue you can just mute some tracks to see if that is the case.

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Hi, could it be that while you record your voice (and the metronome is on) the metronome itself is recorded inside the track along with your voice?

Try to create an empty project and record your voice for a short time (with the metronome on while recording).

Then check if the metronome sound have been recorded too inside the voice track.

It could be that your USB Mixer is "mixing" your voice and the metronome and sends all this to the DAW in the input channel.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Jenna

I recently had this crop up on one of my sessions. Turns out I had somehow added the metronome output to one of my audio tracks (reverb send) so even though I disabled the metronome track and turned off the 'metronome during playback/record' I was still hearing it faintly in the distance (because of the reverb effect!).

Took me forever to isolate it.

It may be that you have added the output to some other track by mistake so try muting each track and bus until it stops to isolate the source and go from there.


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