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Wet and dry


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I just read an article which gave me an idea I wanted to run by here to see if anyone  has done it -- or maybe everyone already does it. This is an orchestral piece which will feature a lot of solo instruments at various times. The idea is to have two tracks for each instrument. A wetter one for when it is part of the greater ensemble, and a drier one for when it is featured in a solo moment. By linking these two tracks, I can just use volume sliders to adjust the balance between these two tracks to bring forward instruments and then pull them back again without affecting the overall volume quite so much. Does this sound like a good idea? Would simply adjusting the amount of reverb on a single track accomplish the same thing more simply, or would I find a benefit in adjusting more than just reverb on these two tracks and so having the linked tracks thing would be more useful?

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If I wanted to do this, I'd probably go with the second option, automate the reverb mix (or send if you are using the reverb as a send effect on more than one track) on a single track.

Which is not to say that your first method isn't valid. It does seem like it would be more complex.

Another way to do it might be to split your track into clips and put the clips in two different tracks as necessary, but I still think automating the reverb depth is the way to go.

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