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[SOLVED] Still not receiving email notifications


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On 1/17/2019 at 5:15 PM, Leadfoot said:

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. It seems kinda random for me.

That's weird in itself. I've never gotten 1 email from anything to do with CbB. No notifications, nothing. I hope they fix this

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  • 3 months later...

Email notifications seem to be working fine for me.

I definitely get email notifications for PM's. 

For particular posts however, you have to be following the post to be notified by email. Depending on what your settings are, this either means clicking the "Follow" link up at the top right of the topic, or having automatic following set up.

You also have to ensure you've set the appropriate options up in your account's notification settings:


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20 hours ago, msmcleod said:

Email notifications seem to be working fine for me.

I definitely get email notifications for PM's. 

For particular posts however, you have to be following the post to be notified by email. Depending on what your settings are, this either means clicking the "Follow" link up at the top right of the topic, or having automatic following set up.

You also have to ensure you've set the appropriate options up in your account's notification settings:


 I've looked at my settings several times and they've always been set right. I just made a change in my settings and hit save and then changed it back and hit save again. Let's see if that fixes it.. Is your email address a common one like Gmail? Mine is my own domain email gp@gprecordingstudio.com 

Also I wonder if the way you receive email is a factor even as implausible as that sounds. I virtually never get my email from my email web server, instead I download all the emails as POP3 to EM Client on my computer, so  have a record of all emails on my HD. I never use IMAP. I also make sure I get all my emails. Anything my server thinks is spam it still sends to me but adds the word SPAM in the subject

Have you always received email notifications from CbB or has this only started recently? I think you're one of the few that receives emails.

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 It's heartening to see at least email notifications for some are working. I just went to my account settings and changed my email to my Gmail email to see if that fixes it. If it does I may switch back to my main email and see if simply changing it makes it work or whether the system just likes typical emails like Gmail. I'll definitely post back here on the results. This may enable others to fix this if I'm successful 

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FWIW, in my spare time I run a CMS business, and email is by far my biggest headache.

The free email providers such as gmail and yahoo are constantly rejecting emails at the server level before they even get as far as the recipients' spam folder. Some ISP provided email addresses are the worst offenders. I even started a gmail account specifically for gmail recipients, which worked for about a month before I got reports that emails weren't getting through.

Worse still, is the fact that contacting them leads to a dead end or just being fobbed off by them saying it must be a problem my end.

It isn't a problem my end. It's their servers that are actively rejecting the emails.

I suspect a similar thing is happening with the Cakewalk emails. I doubt if it's Cakewalk's fault.

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19 hours ago, msmcleod said:

FWIW, in my spare time I run a CMS business, and email is by far my biggest headache.

The free email providers such as gmail and yahoo are constantly rejecting emails at the server level before they even get as far as the recipients' spam folder. Some ISP provided email addresses are the worst offenders. I even started a gmail account specifically for gmail recipients, which worked for about a month before I got reports that emails weren't getting through.

Worse still, is the fact that contacting them leads to a dead end or just being fobbed off by them saying it must be a problem my end.

It isn't a problem my end. It's their servers that are actively rejecting the emails.

I suspect a similar thing is happening with the Cakewalk emails. I doubt if it's Cakewalk's fault.

.Thanks for the email info. I didn't realize Gmail and yahoo reject emails before making it to the spam folder. That seems insane, presumptuous, and very stupid. 

My email server has a spam folder, but I've changed the settings so that nothing goes to my spam folder instead it all comes to me and suspected spam has SPAM added to the end of the subject line. This is great, it makes it easy to weed out.

 I have gotten emails with SPAM written on them and the customers weren't sure why that happened. In my music business whenever I have a conversation online or phone with someone, I tell them I'd like to have an email connection, since it's better for sending mp3's and more reliable than Messenger, etc. Sometimes I have to tell them to check their spam folder, but so far I've not had a situation that we couldn't solve. 

As far as Cakewalk, I've gotten announcement emails and tech support emails just fine from them, yet nothing ever from the forum, I decided to contact them about this and see if maybe I should delete my account and create a new one. I know somehow they got my old login name from the Sonar forum, I don't remember about the password, but maybe I'm using the same password too.

I never had any problems with email notifications from the old Sonar forum, so I'm betting that this is some kind of weird glitch in the Cakewalk system that we can get to the bottom of. Once we do I'll post a notice and ask them to also post a notice, so everyone can start getting emails, not just a few.


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I just did a test.

Yesterday i made this topic a "following" topic.

I choosed "An email when new content is posted".

I can now see that there is new content posted. I have not gotten an email.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys, we'll look into this.

In the meantime, here's a little disambiguation in case it's helpful to anyone - this system utilizes email and notification lists, which are two different methods for alerting you to activity. For example:


If you've enabled "Notify me of replies" on one of your posts, a chime or popup in your browser represents the notification, an email is not sent.

So in addition to selecting top level notification options, also be sure your preferred notification methods are selected in the area below:




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