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Drag Clip Issues - SOLVED

Rod L. Short

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I am trying to drag a clip from one track to a different track. I thought if I select the clip and hold down SHIFT it is supposed to constrain it to the original timing. For some reason, this is only working sometimes, not every time for me. Am I doing something wrong? Sometimes it ends up right where it should be. Other times it jumps left or right, throwing the timing off completely.

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Yes, I am dragging it to a different track. Holding down the SHIFT key is supposed to keep it's position, timing-wise. It should not be able to move left or right at all, only up and down.  For some reason it almost always ends up off time. Sometimes it works fine but, it's totally hit and miss. This makes editing/combining/comping clips virtually impossible.  

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Charlie, I've tried shift/click/drag, I've tried click/shift/drag, I've tried it every way. This is not a new problem here, BTW. I've battled this issue for a long, long time. I just got fed up enough with it right now to ask about it. (I was trying to drag a lot of drum track fixes from their tracks into the main drum tracks)

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Wish I had an easy answer for you my friend. Its working here in build 70 as I tried it out after reading your response on this thread.

What I didn't try was midi tracks in folder. Maybe we can repro this.

Are they all Audio tracks ? Are the clips in a folder ? Any region FX in these clips ? Any frozen tracks ?

Sorry I know a lot of questions. just trying to get to the bottom of it.

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I would turn the snap to grid "on" set the snap to 1/16 or 1/32.  drag the "Edge" of the clip until it hits a snap point. Drag it up or down to your new track.  I often work on songs that I don't know the bpm or it varies a lot . I often end up cutting parts and moving them , always using snap to grid.  I know this doesn't answer your "shift" problem , but it is a workaround until you get it solved.       mark

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Well, I think I solved this! So.... if you let up the shift key BEFORE you let up the mouse button, the clip jogs out of time, for some reason. If you let up the mouse button BEFORE you let up the shift button, it stays in time. So, I guess I need to slow down and be more careful of my technique. Ultimately though, does this seem like proper behavior or, is it a bug? Why should it make any difference which you let up first? Seems a bit too fussy to me. In fact, I think I would prefer an option for any vertical drag/move of clips to default to constraining timing WITHOUT using the shift key at all. Then, you could use the shift key if you do not want to constrain time. Would that make sense to anyone other than just me? 


Edited by Rod L. Short
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  • Rod L. Short changed the title to Drag Clip Issues - SOLVED

Seems a bit too fussy to me. In fact, I think I would prefer an option for any vertical drag/move of clips to default to constraining timing WITHOUT using the shift key at all. Then, you could use the shift key if you do not want to constrain time. Would that make sense to anyone other than just me?

I don't think that's a good idea.  Any dragging movement has a horizontal and vertical component (even if one or the other is very small) . What the shift key does is ignore any horizontal  component while dragging vertically.  It would be maddening to have that as default behavior thus  requiring the shift key to move freely in any direction. You could argue the horizontal component should be ignored unless it is significant. But who is to say what's significant?

I tried to reproduce this problem when this post first appeared but could not. I now realize I always do keep the shift key down  until after the mouse click is released. It's not a conscious thing. I guess I've always just done it that way.

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A lot of the tool functionality relies on having the shift/alt/ctrl key modifiers pressed BEFORE you do the operation - normally before or during a mouse move, but definitely before clicking the mouse buttons.

So if you want to move a clip and retain it's horizontal position, make sure you press SHIFT first and hold it down until you've completed your drag operation.


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