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Alesis Turbo Drum Kit doesn't map to SI-DRUMKIT in Cakewalk


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I can't get my Alesis Turbo Drum Kit to play the Closed-Hi-Hat, when I use the SI-DRUMKIT plugin that comes with Cakewalk.

All the other drums play\map correctly.

When the foot pedal is held down and the Hi-Hat is struck, the sound that is recorded and heard is the Open-Hi-Hat. This is incorrect.

It is like it doesn't register that the foot controller is being held down when the Hi-Hat is played.

To reiterate;

Foot Controller Down + Bb3 Note should give me the Closed Hi Hat.

I don't get this problem, using other drum plugins like the SSDSample5 (Steven Slate Drums)

How can I rectify this?




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